Ka’ala Systems Technology (KST) Corp. was awarded Laughlin AFB Base Telecommunications Systems (BTS). Award was competitive with NAICS 517110. Services include maintaining the Laughlin base and hospital digital/voice switch. KST supports the mission of 47th Communications Squadron at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, by providing highly reliable wired telecommunications and networked voice, video and data services. We perform Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and other services required to ensure the Base Telecommunications System (BTS) is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
The BTS consists of the base telephone system switch, the outside plant (OSP) and inside plant (ISP) systems, network, transmission systems, and all associated equipment which include other systems (e.g., Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), etc.). KST operates and maintains all BTS equipment and systems on Laughlin AFB in accordance with the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) technical manuals and specifications, and US Air Force (AF) policy and regulations, applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

KST is responsible to perform routine operations and Continuation of Mission Essential Services During Crisis. In the event of a crisis, additional areas may be identified by the Air Force. KST stands ready and able to base mission changes; major or minor BTS infrastructure modifications; and other support requirements necessary for the BTS to meet mission requirements. Base exercises or actual ongoing base security events frequently interrupt missions. Support requirements may originate from technology changes, hardware and software systems upgrade, reconfigurations, new or additional equipment, local area network (LAN) cable installations and upgrade, and Dial Central Office (DCO) reconfigurations. This includes routing/diversity requirements and any other environmental changes that could impact or alter the BTS.