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NECCPAC Headquarters Administrative and Financial Support Services

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

Ka’ala Systems Technology “KST” Corp. Awarded U.S. Navy Fleet Logistics Command, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command Pacific Administrative and Financial Support Services 1 Apr 2019 – 31 Mar 2024 N00604-19-P-4049

KST provides on-site administrative and financial support services for NECCPAC Headquarters’ daily operations, which will consist of administrative support to the NECCPAC Chief of Staff and N1 Directorate, supply chain management, geographic information support, and financial management and analysis services, to include budgetary, accounting, Defense Travel System (DTS), Government Travel Commercial Card (GTCC), Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA), Defense Civilian Payroll System (DCPS) and Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) support.

Tasks include but not limited to:

KST provides Chief of Staff (CoS) Support. Coordinates support for the command hosted events. Receives visitors and telephone calls for the organization. Coordination support includes presentation consolidation, parking reservation, and meeting invites for flag officer and other distinguished visitors. In addition, coordination support includes disseminating the CoS’s direction and expectations to military, civilian staff, and action officers that are supporting command hosted events. Serves as the primary point-of-contact (POC) for scheduling the CoS’s daily and long-range calendar of appointments, conferences, and meetings. Maintain a daily schedule for the conference rooms in Building 396A and shall relay Video Teleconferencing (VTC) requirements to NECCPAC’s VTC manager. Retrieve, assemble, and reconcile accounting corrections reports, encumbrance document reports, planning estimate reports, reference data reports, and applicable Standard Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) and Standard Accounting, Budgeting, and Reporting System (SABRS) reports. Reports are forwarded to a government representative for review, approval, and execution.

KST provides Financial Management and Analysis; Assemble and analyze financial data to create checkbooks, post funds distribution controls, funds reconciliation and realignment, cost transfers, create Operating Target (OPTAR) transactions, locate transactions, amend transactions, and reject transactions. Transactions are forwarded to a government representative for review, approval, and execution. Review, analyze, identify, and reconcile funds distribution and funds grant out-of-balance conditions to ensure overall and subsidiary account balances are in balance with each other and are in agreement with the funding authority issued by higher headquarters. Transactions are forwarded to a government representative for review, approval, and execution. Assemble and analyze financial data to provide for the preparation and completion of the Program Objective Memorandum (POM) based budgetary exhibits utilizing various financial management systems and Microsoft software applications. Data are forwarded to a government representative for review, approval, and submission. Prepare the funding documents in CFMS (including: NC2275, NC2276, NC2276a, 448-2, and DD1149), and forward to the government representative for review and approval. Compile, examine, and organize source data to meet required formats for Program Budget Information System (PBIS) and Status of Funds Reports. Ensure that end user System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) on DD Form 2875 and Appointment/Termination Record – Authorized Signature DD Form 577 are prepared correctly and submitted to the Central Financial Management System (CFMS) administrator for follow-on processing action. KST provides Accounting Support for STARS and SABRS. Defense Travel System (DTS) Support, KST support the Organization. Defense Travel Administrator (ODTA) by extracting, reviewing, and analyzing ODTA reports to verify the accuracy and completeness of the organizational hierarchy, routing lists, and organizational groups. KST also provides DCPS, GTCC, SLDCADA, WAWF and IRAPT Support.

KST provides Supply Chain Management; Utilize the Accountable Property System of Record on a daily basis to ensure personal property assets at NECCPAC and 24 subordinate units are in compliance with requirements outlined in SECNAVINST 7320.10. KST notifies the NECCPAC N41 via email when NECCPAC or subordinate units are not in compliance. Analyze routine Relational Supply (R-Supply) reports for NECCPAC and 15 subordinate units, and, based on the results of its analysis, advise NECCPAC N41 on trend analysis via email on a monthly basis. Monitors performance of supply management functions and operations within six functional areas for NECCPAC and 4 subordinate units, and advise NECCPAC N41 on compliance of the six functional areas with established local and Navy-wide policies and procedures via email on a monthly basis. Supply Functional Areas: 1) Administration and Training, 2) Material Management, 3) Inventory Management, 4) Government Purchase Card, 5) Fuel Card, 6) Personnel Gear Issue. KST provides small group pre-deployment training via video teleconferencing or telephone conferencing to deploying forces in R-Supply and logistics readiness to sustain operations and field exercises in accordance with the Government provided training plan. KST reviews post-deployment lessons learned and after-action reports from subordinate units and recommend adjustments to procedures or training. Recommendations shall be communicated to the NECCPAC N41 via email within 5 business days after receipt of post-deployment lessons learned and after-action reports. KST performs Supply Training Assist Visits (STAV) and Supply Management Inspections (SMI) of 4-6 subordinate units in Southern California and Guam in accordance with COMNECC/COMNECCPAC Instruction 4400.1C.

KST provides Geographic Information Support; Utilize Geographic Information System (GIS) hardware and software to support the NECCPAC Planning Directorate (N5) and exercise support staff with planning products such as map data, geospatial information, geographic information, graphics, and overlays covering the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) Area of Operations. KST collaborates with Department of Defense and Department of Transportation mapping and imagery collection services to data mine sources, compile geographic data, and review maps. Updated data and maps shall be downloaded and delivered to the NECCPAC N5 Directorate via email, Share Drive, or SharePoint. Support NECCPAC N5 Directorate planning and briefing activities by distributing schedules and Letter of Instruction (LOI), managing participants lists, coordinating attendees’ security clearance reviews, organizing event facility set up, preparing required hardcopy planning aids, and coordinating delivery of visual aids and planning products.

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